
Creating Your Vision and Roadmap for The Good Life

As entrepreneurs, having rock-solid clarity on your higher purpose, values and vision is absolutely essential to thriving amidst uncertainty. Research shows that when leaders have clarity, they experience a greater sense of engagement, empowerment, and workplace positivity. Clarity will also lead entrepreneurs down the path of financial freedom, providing more time and money to live their own good life.  

That’s why the very first law of EntreThrive is EntreClarity. This law brings you the ability to confidently push through challenges and setbacks because you know precisely where you’re going and, more importantly, why you’re going there. EntreClarity keeps you steadfastly focused on the bigger picture vision when the day-to-day grind threatens to bury you. It's the beacon that points you to true north when you find yourself lost at sea. 

So how do we gain this level of unshakable EntreClarity as entrepreneurs? The journey begins with taking time to thoughtfully define your Guiding Truths (click here to download our EntreClarity Guide, designed to help you develop your own) —the core principles, values and desires that will shape your path forward, both personally and professionally. Document what you want your life to embody and represent, who and what you'll prioritize, and what fulfills you emotionally and spiritually. 

The next step is to walk towards deeper self-awareness and self-acceptance. Really know your strengths, limitations, quirks and growing edges, without judgment. Honestly assess who you are today, while holding hope for who you can become.  

Then, run by prayerfully deciding on your "breakaways"—the one or two bold actions or initiatives that will tangibly propel you forward into your best future self. A “breakaway" in the context of EntreClarity refers to a transformative initiative or bold action that an entrepreneur takes to catapult themselves forward into their best future self. It represents a courageous break from your current status quo.  The term comes from the world of cycling, where racers plan key “breakaways,” that push them forward towards a bigger goal, like winning a “Yellow Jersey.” Like breakaways for cyclists, breakaways for entrepreneurs separates them from where they are today and where they want to be tomorrow. The key to a successful breakaway for entrepreneurs, is to ensure they are tied and support your Guiding Truths. We have a free Breakaway Narrative tool, in the EntreClarity Guide [link to download

For example, a breakaway could be committing to hike the Appalachian Trail end-to-end. I have good friends who are doing just that in 2024. Or, moving your family abroad to immerse in a new culture and career path. Any major change that disrupts old patterns and redefines who you are - that's a breakaway. A Breakaway can also lead you to new frontiers in your business, breaking you and your team free from complacent growth. 

Finally, you fly into your vision by vividly envisioning and embracing the new identity your breakaway will bring, and fully committing to make it happen. Writing an in-depth Breakaway Narrative can help crystallize your vision and new self. Make your narrative vivid and inspiring. 

With rock-solid EntreClarity established, you now have a customized roadmap and fuel source to live your own exceptional version of The Good Life. During the inevitable storms and rough patches of your entrepreneurial journey, EntreClarity keeps you moving forward with passion, purpose and positivity. When you have clarity on where you're going, no external circumstance can ever stop you from getting there. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Define your core Guiding Truths to gain direction and vision 

  • Walk towards deeper self-awareness and self-acceptance 

  • Determine 1-2 bold "breakaways" to propel your growth 

  • Write a Breakaway Narrative to crystallize your vision 

  • EntreClarity provides the compass to thrive amidst uncertainty 

What's one bold breakaway you feel called to make right now? How can clarity propel you with confidence towards becoming your best entrepreneurial self? How can it help you create more freedom to pursue your bigger dreams? 

Co-authored by Brinley Marcum

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