
Transforming Your Interests into Enduring Passions and True Callings

Let’s cut to the chase. Do you have the relentless passion and perseverance needed to achieve your biggest goals and dreams as an entrepreneur? If your answer is “no” or even an “I don’t know, maybe,” let’s talk. Gaining clarity and discovering our creativity can start the car destined for The Good Life. But grit? That’s the fuel. Let’s say your answer was a resounding “yes”, to my previous question. Good, I’m glad. But let’s still talk because what do you do when the fuel runs out and that relentless passion turns resentful. Where is your grit then?

Research by psychologist Angela Duckworth shows that the trait called “grit” is a key predictor of achievement and success in life. Gritty people have an unyielding inner drive to push through challenges and roadblocks on their path to accomplishing long-term aims.

In my upcoming book, I share my perspective on cultivating grit as an entrepreneur, which I call “EntreGrit”. I outline 5 levels of EntreGrit that allow you to strengthen your resolve and achieve the extraordinary:

1. Curiosity — The starting point. Explore new topics and potential interests with an open mind.

2. Interest — Read, discuss, ask questions to determine if they align with your passions.

3. Practice — Take action and learn by doing. Gain knowledge through consistent practice

4. Passion — Feel intrinsically motivated and enthusiastic about your interest over the long-term.

5. Calling — Discover your ultimate life purpose and how your interest can make a difference.

There it is, my golden rule for finding and sticking to our grit. The book is going to be jam packed with more insights and wisdom on each of these levels and honestly, I’m stoked for when you’ll be able to read it. But for now, here’s more of a sneak peek for you.

In Duckworth’s theory, talent matters, but effort counts twice as grit breaks down to a formula: talent x effort = skills. Skills x effort = achievement. Gritty people are familiar with applying extraordinary amounts of effort to achieve their goals. Thus, when they are faced with uncertainties or obstacles, they may be more capable of using the effort required to transform their situation into a positive outcome. Fleeting enthusiasm is common, but enduring stamina is rare.

I spontaneously registered to train for a 200-mile cycling race called LoToJa, despite having never ridden a road bike before. My curiosity about cycling led to an initial interest, which led to many months of consistent training and practice rides. This fed my growing passion for cycling and gave me the grit and determination to finish the grueling race, despite desperately wanting to quit when severe pain hit me at mile 150. It was the culmination of the entire journey of curiosity, interest, practice and passion that gave me an incredible sense of accomplishment upon crossing the finish line, not just getting to the end itself.

One inspiring story of entrepreneurial grit and perseverance is that of Jan Koum, the co-founder of WhatsApp. Despite a challenging upbringing and immigration to the U.S., Koum pursued his interest in computer networking, teaching himself and working hard at Ernst & Young and Yahoo. After leaving Yahoo, he saw the potential for a new kind of messaging app and convinced his friend Brian Acton to work with him on the nascent idea despite having no clear business model.

They faced many early failures and almost gave up, but persisted through the setbacks to build WhatsApp into the leading messaging app, which Facebook acquired for $19 billion. Koum’s journey shows how grit, self-belief and perseverance were key to his success. When entrepreneurs demonstrate grit to achieve big goals, it also fuels their confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Through my experience and examples like Jan Koum, I learned that we must plant the seeds of our interests and diligently nurture them into enduring passions and purposes. Explore many curiosities with an open mind, then zero in on the select few that captivate you enough to turn into serious interests worth pursuing. Consistent, deliberate practice deepens knowledge and skills, fueling motivation. As passions evolve into a sense of calling or life purpose, you’ll have the unwavering staying power to accomplish extraordinary goals that once seemed impossible.

A common misconception is that passion will magically emerge without effort. However, I want it to be clear, deliberate practice over time is essential for nurturing interests into passions. Entrepreneurs, in their impatience and desire for quick results, often neglect this step. They want their “calling” to appear immediately rather than doing the hard work required. But grit develops through consistent practice, not fleeting enthusiasm. You must devote yourself to learning and gaining experience before a spark becomes a flame. Don’t skip this step in the EntreGrit journey. The rewards of achievement come to those who put in the sweat equity of focused practice. Approach developing your interests with consistency and patience. Let the momentum build gradually. The passion that emerges will empower you to accomplish your biggest goals.

A little word of advice on passion, we must beware of becoming obsessively passionate to the point that it harms other areas of life. As the book discusses, obsessive passion is when we become so focused on our work that we neglect spending time with loved ones or pursuing other interests. Harmonious passion, on the other hand, enables us to enjoy our work while maintaining balance. We can step away without guilt and make time for other passions. As entrepreneurs it’s important to pursue our calling with harmonious rather than obsessive passion, so we avoid burning out on the journey to achieving our biggest goals. Maintaining harmony across all areas of life allows us to thrive.

Discovering your calling is crucial for developing the staying power and grit to accomplish big goals. When you uncover your “life purpose” and how your interests and passions can fulfill it, you tap into a powerful source of motivation. Your calling becomes your “ultimate concern” that drives you forward during difficult times when you feel like quitting. While passion takes you far, a sense of calling connects your work to what matters most in life, giving you unwavering perseverance. Entrepreneurs who want to achieve the extraordinary must nurture their interests into passions and ultimately into a calling. When you feel called to your purpose, you’ll have the drive to persist through any obstacle on your journey to your Good Life.

Take time to evaluate where you currently stand across the 5 levels of EntreGrit. Are your present interests and passions aligned with your deeper life’s purpose? What first step can you take today to continue strengthening your grit as an entrepreneur to achieve your biggest dreams and goals? How can you turn fleeting interests into focused practice and preparation? What challenges might test your resolve, and how will you meet them with passion and perseverance?

By cultivating rock-solid EntreGrit, you have the power to accomplish amazing things and create the life you truly want. Begin today by nurturing the sparks of interest that will fuel your entrepreneurial success tomorrow.

Co-authored by Brinley Marcum


  • Angela Duckworth, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, (New York: Scribner, 2016).
  • Miller, Hannah L. "Jan Koum: The Inspirational Story of the Founder of WhatsApp." Leaders.com. Last modified February 28, 2022. Accessed January 9, 2024. https://leaders.com/articles/leaders-stories/jan-koum/. 

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